Chapter 2 - Title and size

Updated July 14th 2024


The intent of this section is to set a custom title and the size of the window.

Window with custom title and set size


This code is very similar to that of chapter 1. We add:

  • two more imports
  • two parameters when calling app.NewWindow()


package main

import (


func main() {
  go func() {
    // create new window
		w := new(app.Window)
		w.Option(app.Title("Egg timer"))
		w.Option(app.Size(unit.Dp(400), unit.Dp(600)))

    // listen for events in the window
    for {


Where chapter 1 was the absolute bare minimum to open a window, we want to make some improvements here. implements device independent units and values. The docs describe a handful of alternatives:

Type Description
dp Device independent pixel - independent of the underlying device
sp Scaled pixel - used for text sizes
px Pixels - used for precision for the actual device

In general, dp is the most widely used; we like to keep device independency when we can. Hence that’s what we use when we define the window size inside app.NewWindow().

The options of app are fairly self-explanatory, but take note of a few things:

  • The size is set using app.Size(x, y).
  • The window can be freely resized. Try it! If you want to limit the size you can add:
    • MaxSize
    • MinSize
    • Or use both, effectively locking the window size
  • A fullscreen option is available in WindowMode if needed
  • If you’re building for Android, Status and Navigation colors can be set here.

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